AYLUS basking ridge 9th monthly concert In Fellowship Village on 5/10/24

AYLUS Basking Ridge Branch organized the 9th monthly Concert in Fellowship Village (8000 Fellowship Rd, Baskin gridge, NJ, 07920) on 5/10/2024. During each monthly concert, AYLUS Basking Ridge sends out a performance signup form a month ahead to AYLUS members in the local area. Around 12 performances are collected for each one-hour long concert. Based on each concert theme, our member gives a unique design to each program. Each month, our performance includes piano, violin, cello, vocal, dance,Guzheng, and more. Our talented group showcase their skills in music and dance, leaving the audience in awe. Our seniors give great feedback on our performaces and welcome us back for more in the future.

Charlotte wrote the program and host the concert.(4HR, 5/10/24)

Ethan Zhang, Jeremy Liu, Andrew Huan, Madeline Zhu, Selina Zhan, Eddie Zhan, Madison Yu, Richard Qi, Claire Zhang, Oscar Liu, Fred Yao, Lucas Ni,Ruolin Yuan, Yige Zhou, Gloria Wang,Rose Wang, King’s academy of dance art,  (3HR each, 5/10/24)

Updated: May 10, 2024 — 11:35 pm

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