AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers for CP Nassau on 5/5/2024 (1st)

On May 5th, 2024, Aylus’ Great Neck branch hosted an event at a Disabled Persons Center. Our volunteers, Jason Zeng and Xingzhi Li arrived at the center at around 10:30 AM. Once there, our volunteers, Xingzhi Li and Jason Zeng played games with the disabled people like bowling, arts and crafts, connect four, and throwing beanbags. After many games and fun times we had a snack break and at the end of all the games we read them a book and took them to the dining hall for lunch.  After about three hours at 1:30 PM, we took a photo, said our goodbyes, and left. All of the participants had a fun time enjoying the games, and it was a overall successful volunteer effort.
Jason Zeng – 3 hour
Xingzhi Li – 3 hour

Updated: June 4, 2024 — 7:18 pm

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