AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Bayard Cutting Arboretum on 4/13/2024(statepark27)

On April 13, 2024, from 9:30am to 12pm, members of AYLUS Great Neck branch participated in the Allium Family Planting at . Volunteers contributed to supporting the development of organic agriculture by planting organic vegetables. Organic agriculture promotes sustainable agriculture by avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, reducing soil and water pollution. Volunteers have contributed to creating a more environmentally friendly and sustainable environment.

Organic vegetables are vegetables that pursue safety and health. They are not grown and processed with chemical synthetic substances and artificial additives. They follow the laws of nature and ecological principles to produce food. The production process of organic food adopts a more ecological way, and the environment is closer to nature, so there are more abundant nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, etc., which are more beneficial to the body. Eating organic vegetables helps to maintain good health.

Volunteers divided the work and cooperated. They placed different vegetable varieties on the bed in several rows with different spacings, dug holes with shovels and helped the staff to plant organic vegetables. After that, the volunteers helped the staff to pull out weeds to facilitate the subsequent sowing.

Volunteers worked together, learned about agricultural planting and organic vegetables, experienced the fun of planting, and understood the value and importance of labor. This activity cultivated the volunteers’ sense of responsibility to the community and team spirit.

AYLUS volunteers helped the local biosphere improve biodiversity, soil organic matter, and beneficial soil microorganisms through this organic vegetable planting activity. Volunteers helped ensure the balance between agricultural production and the ecological environment and are committed to protecting our common earth.

Volunteers : Ryan Dai (2.5h)Andrew Qian (2.5h)Taisheng Wu (2.5h)Yuya Liu (2.5h)Felicia Liu (2.5h)Yingxiang (Xavier) Liu (2.5h)Jinkuan Chen (2.5h)Shaoyu Guo (2.5h)Ang Chen (2.5h)Ankie Huang (2.5h)Xinyue (Syro) Tan (writer 2.5h)Shiyue Zhang (2.5h)Adena Yang (2.5h)Zoe Xia (2.5h)


Report By:Xinyue(Syro) Tan


Updated: June 4, 2024 — 12:09 am

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