AYLUS Oyster Bay Performs Concert @ Sunrise of Dix Hills on Mar 23, 2024

Written by Christina Mink

On March 23rd, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay members visited Sunrise Senior Living in Dix Hills for a heartwarming performance, marking their fifth collaboration with the Fortune Star Band. The event commenced with Viva la Vida, followed by the band’s rendition of songs like “Stand by Me,” “Soul Meets Body,” and “Take on Me,” featuring a choir and accompanied by instruments such as violin, viola, cello, saxophone, drum, keyboard, flute, and guitar. Individual performances included solos on the flute and violin, vocal performances, with a particularly captivating solo on the guzheng (Chinese zither). The children’s performances received enthusiastic applause from the elderly audience. We plan to continue partnering with the band, extending our visits to more nursing homes and institutions in need, using the uplifting power of music to foster connections within our community and bring joy to people’s lives.

Gratitude to the following 15 young volunteers, totaling 30.5 volunteer hours collectively.

Christina Mink 2.5hrs, Alice Hung 2hrs, Harrison King 2hrs, Kaydence Pan 2hrs, Niran Zuo 2hrs, Thea Chen 2 hrs, Alexander Lin 2hrs, Harry Wolff 2hrs, Keshang Ying 2 hrs, Austin Lin 2hrs, Chloe Wu 2hrs, Brendan Jiang 2hrs, Catherine Liu 2hrs, Nathan Chen 2hrs, Maggie Zhang 2hrs

Updated: March 27, 2024 — 1:06 am

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