Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers to Clean Up Litter at Jordan Lake on Feb 3, 2024

On a Saturday morning, AYLUS-Chapel Hill and CAFA, a local Chinese organization, came together at Mills Spring Greenway near Jordan Lake to engage in a community service project – cleaning up trash along the Jordan Lake shoreline. Our efforts aimed to contribute positively to the environment and foster a sense of responsibility among our members.

Our volunteers had a highly productive session, successfully filling up all the provided trash bags to their brims. Due to the excessive litter, we plan to recommend to the town authorities the installation of additional trash cans along the lake shoreline. We believe that providing convenient disposal options will encourage people to responsibly discard their trash, maintaining the beauty of the natural surroundings.

Despite the challenges posed by the abundance of litter, our volunteers thoroughly enjoyed the experience of helping the community and cleaning up nature. This event not only strengthened our connection with the local community but also instilled a sense of pride in actively contributing to the well-being of our shared spaces. We look forward to future initiatives that further promote environmental awareness and community engagement.


Volunteers who participated in this event are Ethan Li (DA – 2.5 hrs), Nicholas Wang (2.5 hrs), Luna Chen (2.5 hrs), Eric Sun (2.5 hrs), Ethan Li (ECHHS – 2.5 hrs), Andrew Zhao (2.5 hrs), Zhiyuan (Jack) Xu (2.5 hrs), and Owen Xie (2.5 hrs)


Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: February 9, 2024 — 6:19 pm

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