1/27/24 and 1/28/24 Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Main Library for a New Year Party

On January 27th, 2024, AYLUS Great Neck Branch prepared for a New Year party at the main library. We made lots of red envelopes and decorated the event venue to make the library more lively. We put some chocolate and a funny item which represents happiness in the red envelopes. We will give them to the kids tomorrow as a gift for the New Year. We put auspicious decorations on the wall like the lantern, we stick them on the ceiling and we stick a paper dragon on the window. We also prepared for tomorrow’s performance. This was a very fulfilling experience for us.


On January 28th, from 1 pm to 5 pm, the AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteered at the main library for a New Year Party. We organized a variety of activities, including sugar painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, clay modeling, windmill crafting, Chinese painting, and Chinese knotting. Many people participated, especially in sugar painting, where we created over 100 pieces. Our sugar paintings featured diverse designs such as Hello Kitty, Peppa Pig, flowers, and butterflies.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to share Chinese culture through these traditional events and help more people understand its richness. The enthusiasm, particularly for sugar painting, was evident as we engaged with the community. Through these activities, we not only contributed to the New Year celebration but also fostered cultural exchange.

Participating in these events provided us with the chance to learn various handicrafts. As the Chinese New Year approaches, we can apply our newfound skills by purchasing materials and creating our own decorations for our homes. This experience not only strengthens our connection to Chinese culture but also encourages the continuation of these traditions within our community.

Members who participated(4hrs): Fanxi Xia, Zoe Xia, Junbo Hu, Elena Zhuang, Kevin Zhang, Carrie Zhang, Evan Wei, Helen Su

(6hrs): Siwen Wang, Siyue Wang, Serena Chen – 2hrs 1/27/24 and 4 hrs 1/28/24


Updated: April 13, 2024 — 3:42 pm

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