Dix Hills Branch partnered with Bethpage State Park to help get rid of invasive species on December 9, 2023

The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch partnered with Bethpage State Park to help get rid of invasive species and trim the trees. Volunteers used multiple tools to work on removing several invasive species, including bittersweet, black cherry, invasive vines, etc. Given that several species were all tangled up in the trees, to prevent complete tree damage, dead areas were pruned with the vines to help the rest of it survive. Dead trees were pulled out to make space for other plants, and the cleared area lets the sunlight hit those all the way at the bottom. Volunteers worked from 9:30 to 12:00 to help get rid of vines and to help clear out other invasive species.
Volunteers: Bryan Fan (3 hrs), Ming Chen (3 hrs), Ru Xue Jiang (2.5 hrs), Jonathan Fan (2.5 hrs), and Min Zheng (2.5 hrs).

Updated: December 10, 2023 — 3:40 am

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