AYLUS Syosset Holds Fundraiser at Syosset Street Fair (11/12/23)

On 11/12/23, AYLUS Syosset held a fundraiser at the Syosset Street Fair from 9AM – 5PM in 2 hour shifts at a time. Much was sold from toys to jewelry to balloon animals to cotton candy. The goods that were most popular were the bracelets and the cotton candy being spun. In total about 200 dollars were earned.

The money earned by AYLUS will be used to pay for any needed expenses the Syosset branch may require money for as we are a non-profit organization and to have money that we can donate to other causes instead of constantly donating entirely out of pocket.

Members who participated are: Sarah Chen (2h), Xuanyu Liu (4 h), Haodong Wang (2 h), Haohua Wang (2 h), Thea Chen (2 h), Alexander Lin (4 h), Austin Lin (4 h),  Olivia Xu (2 h), Austin Xu (2 h), Margaret Zhang (2 h), Amanda Gao (2 h), Aaron Wang (2 h), Tracy Xu (2h), Moli wu (2h), Elen Wu (2h), Sonia Huang (2 h), Jianie Huang (2 h), Suiwai Li (2 h), Suiying Li (2 h), Rayya Zheng (2.5h), Reyna Zheng (2.5h),  Sonia Chang (2 h) Sofie Chang (2 h).


Updated: November 18, 2023 — 4:34 am

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