Great Neck Branch Volunteered at The Annual New York Marathon

On November 4th, 2023, the Great Neck Branch gathered together for the next day’s cheering posters, everyone work hard and it was creative! On November 5th, 2023, the Great Neck AYLUS chapter embarked on an inspiring journey to volunteer at the annual New York Marathon, dedicating our time and energy to support the runners in this remarkable event. Our dedicated members began their day early, arriving at the marathon venue at approximately 8 in the morning to prepare for the day’s activities. Setting up our booth at the halfway point was a well-coordinated effort. We had carefully arranged a variety of supplies to assist and motivate the runners as they reached this pivotal point in the race. Among the items we had on hand were small bottled waters to keep participants hydrated, energy drinks to replenish their stamina, and specialized caffeine and sugar products to give them that much-needed boost. In addition to these essential supplies, we had a supply team that worked diligently to create inspirational and humorous posters. These posters were strategically placed along the route to uplift the spirits of the runners. The messages on the posters were carefully chosen to encourage and bring smiles to the faces of the athletes. The most touching and awe-inspiring moments of the day came when we witnessed runners with various disabilities participating in the marathon. Some were using their arms to propel themselves forward, while others relied on the strength of their legs. Their perseverance and unwavering dedication to the sport were incredible and inspired us all. As the marathon progressed, crowds of runners began to reach our station, and our cheers grew louder and more enthusiastic. We rang bells, offered compliments, and chanted motivating slogans to energize the participants. Furthermore, we provided additional support to athletes in need. We offered muscle spray services to relieve cramps and discomfort. In conclusion, we celebrated the diversity of the participants, their incredible determination, and the boundless strength of the human spirit. It was an unforgettable experience, and we were honored to be a part of this inspiring event.

Volunteer who participated(also including volunteer hours for creating the posters): Fanxi Xia(6.5hrs) Ivy Zhang(5hrs) Zoe Xia(5hrs) Amy Sun(5hrs) Junbo Hu (6.5hrs) Feier Xu(5hrs) Miranda zhang(5hrs) Siying Chen(1.5hrs) Katie Wang(1.5hrs) Kalli Zhu(1.5hrs) Qinrui Zhang(1.5hrs) Leo Ji(1hrs)Kevin Zhang(5hrs)


Updated: November 6, 2023 — 12:23 pm

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