AYLUS Dix Hills convened with nonprofit organizations including Saturday Stewardship for a significant meeting focused on future planning and fostering connections on October 21, 2023.

AYLUS Dix Hills convened with nonprofit organizations including Saturday Stewardship for a significant meeting focused on future planning and fostering connections. This gathering exemplified the spirit of leadership and collaboration within the nonprofit sector.

At this event, passionate discussions among nonprofit leaders were central to shaping the future of their organizations. The enthusiasm in the room underscored the collective commitment to creating change through unity and strategic alliances. Additionally, volunteers gathered food and served food.

The “Saturday Stewardship Summit” was more than just a meeting; it was a declaration of intent to translate aspirations into tangible impact, and it demonstrated the profound influence of leadership in propelling the nonprofit sector forward.

Volunteers: Ru Xue Jiang (4.5 hours), Ming Chen (4.5 hours)

Updated: October 22, 2023 — 8:46 pm

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