Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Long Island and Nature Center (10/14/2023)

On October 14th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, the AYLUS Great Neck Branch visited the Long Island Energy & Nature Center. During the visit, the members engaged in two different activities. The first activity took place outdoors, where they removed invasive plants. During this task, they used scissors to cut fragmages and specifically avoided shaking them to prevent the seeds from spreading. They also removed mugwort by cutting it.
However, the weather took a turn, and it started raining. Consequently, the members had to relocate inside the Nature Center to work on preserving and cultivating good native plants. Working in teams of two or three, they collected seeds from three different plants: Black-eyed Susan, New England aster, and Coneflowers. One person labeled and drew the flower on the envelopes, while others carefully placed the seeds into these artistically designed envelopes. This visible packaging not only preserved the seeds but also made it easier for others to identify the flowers and their names for future distribution.
The members thoroughly enjoyed both the indoor and outdoor tasks. Through these activities, our volunteers became familiar with five native plants. We take pride in our efforts to prevent the growth of invasive species and promote the spread of beneficial plants that contribute to our environment.

members who participated (2.5hrs): Zoe Xia, Feier Xu, Andrew Qian

Updated: October 17, 2023 — 12:19 am

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