Great Neck Branch volunteered at the Greenhouse 10/7/2023

On October 7, 2023, the Great Neck Branch volunteered at the Greenhouse despite the rainy weather conditions.

To provide some context, LINPI has established itself as a hub for nurturing plants native to Long Island. Our efforts are concentrated within an array of poly sheds and greenhouses, where we lend a helping hand to the staff, assisting with a variety of tasks. These tasks encompass seed preparation and the process known as “up-potting” of plants. For those unfamiliar with greenhouse work, it involves transferring plants to larger pots as they grow, a labor-intensive process that continues until they reach the appropriate size for sale or transplantation in gardens or fields.

In this volunteer event there have a lot of people attend so we did a huge amount of work, which shows team work makes dream works.

Members who practiced (3hrs):Fanxi Xia, Zixi Xia


Updated: October 8, 2023 — 11:09 pm

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