AYLUS Queens Branch Volunteered at the Kehilat Food Pantry on 9/24/23

On September 24th, the Queens Branch volunteered at the Kehilat Sephardim Food Pantry from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, despite the heavy rain. We set up canopy tents to keep everyone and the food dry. Our team quickly got to work with different tasks: some prepared food items like apples, canned beans, mixed vegetables, potatoes, and coconut water. Others helped by sweeping to prevent flooding, and a group picked up breakfast from a nearby temple for those waiting in line. As more people arrived, we assisted them with check-in, making sure they were registered for breakfast, kosher produce, or both by entering their phone numbers into the computer system. Despite the rain, our team’s dedication to helping the community remained strong.


Members who participated (4 hours): Jonathan Kwok, Tiffany Lu, Ethan Hunt, Annika Richard, Nadia Azeem, Akash Singh


Updated: September 25, 2023 — 3:33 am

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