Edmond Branch Volunteers at Library on 7/19 to 7/21

Julia continued her library volunteering, with four 3-hour shifts, where she promoted summer learning. Do note that she was unable to wear an Aylus shirt due to a direct request from the staff.


At the Southwest OKC Pioneer Library, she worked on her Scratch program by practicing presenting it and receiving feedback and on basic library functions such as pull lists and reshelving.


At the Southern Oaks Metropolitan Library, she worked the desk shift for the summer reading program where she logged hours of participants and distribute prizes, assisted staff with the “Duct Tape Monster” program (an art program for kids), helped the kids who had questions, and set up and put away supplies, tables, and chairs.


Outside of the library shifts, she also spent 0.5 hours planning the Scratch coding program. She polished some details and included a more in depth explanation of the game’s coordinate plane.


Julia Chen (12.5 Hours)

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