Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 16th) (7/9/2023)


Reported by Adora Xiao & Jessica Lu:

On Sunday, July 9, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to their local senior centers, Torrey Pines Senior Living Center.
At Torrey Pines Senior Living Center: They began with some stretches with therapy bands to build up strength, before testing hand-eye coordination with some volleyball with the beach ball. After a few rounds, they gathered water and juice for everyone to drink. After hydrating, the residents moved on to reading the daily chronicle. After the daily chronicle, they sang a few songs from Sound of Music together, before bidding everyone goodbye.

At Atria Park of Vintage Hills: after members signed in, they made their to the ice cream parlor and began setting up the area for customers. They took out the toppings, tissues, spoons, and the ice cream scooper. It started out a bit slow because seniors were watching a movie but soon, more people began coming in and members got busy serving them. Then, members were handed a packet on how to teach seniors to take photos and how to navigate the photo app. After serving several more seniors, members made their way to the library. There, they showed the seniors who there how to zoom in and out of photos, the different modes, and more. After, members talked a little with the seniors and got to know them a little better.


Adora Xiao / Jessica Lu / Aiying Lu :   1.5 hrs ea


Updated: October 6, 2023 — 2:39 am

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