Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Food Bank (20th) (7/5/23)

Reported by Jessica Lu

On July 5th, Murrieta AYLUS members went to their local food bank to help. Members brought some fresh picked fruits from home and some snacks donated to the food bank. Members made their way to the far side of the room to help sort foods. They would take packaged food out of a big box and then put it in the crate relating to the food. Members made their way through 2 large boxes before taking a break. Then, they were told to take a piece of paper out of a small box for the raffle for chocolates! Then members had to prepare for packing bags of food. They were given 4 boxes of ramen and they had to put them into crates. After, members did the same thing with ready-to-serve sides. Then members were assigned to tomato sauce and canned fish. They would put 1 tomato sauce and 1 canned fish each bag. Members packed around 230 bags of food! After, they got cleaning wipes and wiped down the tables, put the crates back, and threw all the trash away. Members decided to go to the other side of the building to see if they still needed any help. There, members weighed the produce, put it in the fridge and waited for more produce to arrive. When the next truck came, members helped unload the boxes of food and took it to get weighed before again putting it in the freezer. To end their time there, members went outside to bring the picnic table and the small round table in. Members enjoyed their time there, and looking forward to be back next week.

Volunteers: Aiying Lu / LingXuan (Justin)  Zhang / Jessica Lu : 3.5 hrs each

Updated: October 6, 2023 — 2:40 am

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