AYLUS Syosset Participates in Toured the Clark Botanic Garden in Prep for the Long Island Multicultural Festival, 7/07/23

On Friday, July 7th, 2023, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, several AYLUS members from Syosset participated in a tour at Clark Botanic Garden in Albertson, NY. Throughout the tour, the volunteers listened in about the wonders of the garden, learning about the various attraction sites, plants, and other organisms coexisting across the ecosystems. Scientific aspects were noted, such as the importance of pollinators, examples of homologous structural evidence for evolution, natural pesticides, and the genetic superiority of the species present around the area. After the tour, each contributor gathered together and discussed their general comprehension of the teachings provided by the tour guides.

Honeybees are helpful pollinators that aid in the pollination of the entire garden. They are responsible for the majority of humanity’s consumable food and bloom yield is proven to be exponentially greater with bees in an environment than without. Bats and quails act as natural pesticides to prevent insects from permeating the plants’ vicinity. One bat can eat 1,000 – 2,000 insects per night, while Northern Bobwhite Quails manage the number of ticks and the sizes of other populations. It is necessary to use natural pesticides instead of chemical ones to avoid the risks of biomagnification.

Clark Botanic Garden is an environmental sanctuary consisting of many land features including streams, gardens, ponds, and trees. It offers educational tour guides welcome to anyone who wishes to participate. Its abundance of nature improves the immune system as it allows for exposure to fresh, filtered air offered by the pine trees and allergy resistance.

Members participated include (every one 1h):

Thea Chen, Rachel Zhang, Suiwai Li, Suiying Li, Aaron Wong.

Updated: July 9, 2023 — 12:44 am

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