Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Jones Beach 7/4/2023

On July 4th, 2023, the Great Neck Branch volunteered at Jones Beach from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Our primary responsibility was to protect the habitat of the pipping plovers and ensure that people did not walk into the fenced area. Given the large number of groups present that day, there was a significant crowd at the beach.

Upon arriving, we divided ourselves and took up positions at different spots along the fence. We remained vigilant and paid close attention to the people around us, making sure they did not cross the fence. Throughout our volunteering time, we encountered several instances where we had to intervene to prevent activities that could harm the pipping plover hatchery.

One incident involved a person attempting to find a quicker route to the bathroom by crossing the fence. We promptly intercepted the individual and informed them that the area they were trying to enter was the nesting ground for the pipping plovers, and they should refrain from entering. In another instance, we noticed that some beachgoers were playing volleyball, beach ball, or badminton dangerously close to the fence. We kindly reminded them to keep a safe distance, as retrieving their equipment from within the restricted area would not be possible if it fell inside.

As the volunteering period drew to a close, we had the pleasure of watching the breathtaking fireworks display. The experience filled us with joy and a sense of fulfillment, knowing that our volunteer work not only benefitted the environment but also contributed to the overall well-being of the community.

members who participated (5hrs): Fanxi Xia, Zixi Xia, Siwen Wang, Siyue Wang, Cynthia Bai, Edward Zhao, Feier Xu, Junbo Hu, Katie Yang, Kalli Zhu, Yisu Zhang, Issac Zheng, Lily jiang, Leo Ji.


Updated: July 5, 2023 — 5:10 pm

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