Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Food Bank (18th) (6/29/23)

Reported by Jessica Lu :

On June 29th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members went to their local food bank to help out. When members arrived, the manager just started the morning announcements. CMOH had given out food to about 102 people in less than 2 hours on one of their distributing food days! After the announcements, members got to work. They grabbed a box of produce and began to sort it out. They would check the produce for rotten or moldy ones and throw it in the box below them, which would be given to wild animals. The clean fruits were then put in their according basket. After going through 4 boxes of produce, members then started to clean up. They got cleaning spray, a rag, and paper towels and cleaned the stinky residue of the fruit juice off the tables. After, members got the strainers and washed them. Members took a quick break before heading to the left side of the building. They got some dirty signs to clean. The tape residue left behind on the laminated signs made it very difficult to clean. Members used the razor blades, and cleaning liquids in hope to scrub off the residue. Finally, members finished the stack of dirty signs. They disposed of their gloves and bid their goodbyes.

Volunteers: Jessica Lu / Aiying Lu : 3 hrs ea

Updated: October 6, 2023 — 2:45 am

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