AYLUS Queens Branch Volunteered at Hunters Point Parks Conservancy on 6/24/23

On June 24th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, the Queens branch joined forces with the Hunters Point Parks conservation organization to participate in a weed removal initiative in Long Island City, Queens. Equipped with gardening gloves, trash bags, and volunteer vests, we embarked on our mission. Despite encountering rain during the event, we diligently combed through the park, targeting and uprooting every weed in sight. For each weed we saw, we would find the root, twist, and pull it out. Our efforts continued for two hours until there were no more weeds in the area.


Eradicating weeds, particularly in public parks, is extremely important. By removing weeds, we not only allow better conditions for other plants but also prevent the damaging of sidewalks for daily park visitors. Collectively, we gained firsthand experience on how strenuous gardening can be and witnessed the dedication of numerous adult individuals committed to maintaining the beauty of our community.


Members who participated (2 hours): Jonathan Kwok, Tiffany Lu, Annika Richard, Ethan Hunt, Nadia Azeem, Sophia Hunt, Chloe Lin, Eva King-Senior, Ava Lehmann


Updated: August 6, 2023 — 12:52 am

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