AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteered for the Memorial Day Airshow On 5/27

On May 27, AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteered for the Memorial Day Airshow, which aimed to protect the piping plovers at Jones Beach. This annual event is one of our most popular volunteer projects, consisted of many students from different schools, including Lakeville elementary, Great Neck south high school, Great Neck South Middle School, Saddle Rock, Syosset middle school, and LGA High School. Our group of volunteers arrived promptly at 9am and prepared to fulfill our responsibilities for the day. Our primary duty as volunteers was to maintain a professional, courteous, and polite demeanor towards all patrons. To ensure easy identification, we wore “Event Staff” t-shirts that made us easily recognizable. We played a crucial role in preventing patrons from entering protected shorebird areas.

In addition, the President and members of AYLUS Great Neck Branch was interviewed today by the media to introduce and promote AYLUS. The interview highlighted the organization’s mission, goals, and the importance of youth involvement in community service.

Overall, we had a fulfilling and productive day at the Memorial Day Airshow. We were honored to contribute our efforts towards protecting the piping plovers and ensuring a safe environment for both the birds and the patrons. We want to thank the organizers for providing us with this opportunity and look forward to future endeavors in conservation and community service.


Members Participated (6h): I-Han Liao, Lucas Liao, Fanxi Xia, Zoe Xia, Xinyi Zhang, Charlotte Wang, Joyce Zhang, Sophie Liu, Feier Xu, Baoyi Zeng, Zhengyang Dai, Cynthia Bai, Amy Sun, Ivanna Zhang, Junbo Hu, Katie Yang (4h)


Updated: June 21, 2023 — 3:18 am

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