AYLUS Greater Triangle Branch Volunteers 4/28/2023Pack Necessities for Families in Need in Kenya(2)

AYLUS Greater Triangle Branch Volunteers Pack Necessities for Families in Need in Kenya

Volunteers from AYLUS Greater Triangle Branch recently came together for a second time to pack large boxes of necessities that will be sent to Kenya by boat. These packages contain non-perishable food, clothing for both children and adults, collapsible storage, and various other items that are commonly found in the US but can provide great value in areas with limited resources like Kenya.

The volunteers carefully packed the boxes to ensure they were filled to capacity and then thoroughly taped and sealed from every side to withstand the long journey overseas. The boxes were also wrapped in a protective foil and looped with a thick rope to make them easier to move.

The last step was to mark the boxes to prevent tampering and ensure that the items would reach the families in need. This volunteering event was a great opportunity for the volunteers to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, and they look forward to continuing to support Lydia and this initiative in the near future.

Alex Zhang 6hrs(5hrs visiting and manuscript)
Yuyang Luo 5hrs

jianhui jia



Updated: May 4, 2023 — 2:36 am

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