Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Dog Toys for the local Animal Shelter by Repurposing T-shirts during the Month of April, 2023 (2nd)

During the month of April, several of our RCA members decided to continue supporting the local animal shelter. Many of our members own pets themselves and seeing the shelters filled with abandoned pets has been heartbreaking. The group decided to create this event to be able to regularly support these animals all while raising awareness for the shelter.

The chew toys were made by repurposing old t-shirts that were carefully selected from their own stack of clothes. Once the selection was made, the members worked on measuring and cutting the shirts into strips. Then the strips were secured and various braided designs were followed to create the chew toys for the dogs.

With this donation the group hopes that the toys will help alleviate the loneliness and the boredom that these animals are experiencing. In addition by recycling old t-shirts the group helped the environment by containing the waste as otherwise these shirts would have ended up in a landfill.


Kayla Paulsen

04/01/23 4 hrs
04/02/23 2 hrs
04/03/23 2 hrs

Alyssa Paulsen
04/01/23 2 hrs

Michael Brown

04/01/23 3 hrs
04/03/23 3.5 hrs
04/04/23 2.5 hrs

Evan Chang

04/06/23 3 hrs
04/07/23 1 hr

Kyan Chang

04/06/23 3 hrs
04/07/23 3 hrs
04/09/23 2 hrs



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