Riverside County AYLUS Continues Its Book Drive for the Little Libraries during the month of April, 2023

As replenishing the Little Libraries within our communities has earned our members some positive feedback, the group decided to continue giving back while supporting the idea of early literacy while providing access to meaningful books within the neighborhood. RCA members carefully selected books from their own shelves among others to support the cause or alternatively asked for donations from family and friends. Some books were also bought to contribute to this book drive. The books were then used to refill the little libraries within various parts of town. Helping the community to discover new books and helping those with limited resources get free access to them is a cause that the group sees as meaningful. Thus the group is planning on continuing this book drive throughout the year.


Gathering a selection of books through donation or purchase and distributing them to various little libraries

04/11/23 and 04/12/23  Michael Brown 2 hrs per day
04/11/23 Kyan Chang 2 hr and 04/12/23 Kyan Chang 1 hr
04/12/23 Evan Chang 2 hrs and 04/13/23 Evan Chang 1 hr   


Updated: April 18, 2023 — 11:05 am

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