Norwood Branch Hosts a Park and Beach Cleanup at Cold Spring Harbor State Park on 4/14/2023

Today, the AYLUS Norwood branch did a park and beach clean-up at Cold Spring Harbor State Park. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing.

As we arrived at the park, we were greeted by the stunning scenery of the beach and the surrounding nature. However, it was disheartening to see the amount of litter scattered around. We immediately got to work, armed with gloves and trash bags, determined to make a positive impact on the environment.

The team worked tirelessly, scouring the park and the beach for any signs of litter. We found various items, from plastic bottles to food wrappers. It was surprising to see just how much trash we were able to collect.

Despite the hard work, it was a fulfilling experience to be able to contribute to the preservation of the environment. We were grateful for the opportunity to do our part in keeping the park clean and promoting environmental sustainability.

In the end, we were proud to have collected six bags of trash. It was a small victory, but one that we knew would make a difference in the long run. It was an enjoyable and meaningful experience, and we hope to continue participating in more clean-up activities in the future.

Members who participated (3 hrs): Qian Wei, Evan Zuo, Jason Wang, Yihan Du, Yitong Wu

Thank you to all who participated!

Reported by Evan Zuo

Updated: June 11, 2023 — 10:17 pm

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