AYLUS Greater triangle 04/9/2023 Donate books, clothing and household items

Aylus members recently showed their generosity by donating a large amount of books, clothes, and household items for charity. As a non-profit organization aimed at promoting social responsibility within communities, Aylus launched this charitable program to encourage its members to give back. Members searched their homes for items they no longer needed and dropped them off at collection points.






The donation drive was a great success, with members contributing many quality books, clothes, and useful household items that will benefit those in need. The generosity of the Aylus members was greatly appreciated, and their actions have been praised as an inspiring example.

Aylus members expressed their happiness in participating in the charitable event, viewing it as a way to give back to their community and show their compassion and care.


1:Sky Tianyi Han 2hours
2:Michael yang 2hours
3:Yuyang Luo 2hours
4:Alex Zhang 2hours
5. yuanduo li 2hours
6.Aiden Guo 2hours

7:chenkai gu 2hours

8:Olivia Li 2hours

Updated: April 21, 2023 — 4:12 am

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