AYLUS Greater triangle 04/02/2023 assembles TV mounts at new NC school, setting an example for community service




AYLUS, the American Alliance for Youth Leadership and Service, is known for its community service programs. Recently, the organization received a request for help from a local school in North Carolina. The school needed skilled volunteers to install TV mounts in classrooms, and AYLUS stepped up to the task.

Installing these brackets will provide the school with new technological resources and improve the learning environment for students. Although the task was arduous, the volunteers worked diligently and used the skills and knowledge they had learned to complete their work well.

This project not only provided the school with valuable donations but also gave the volunteers the opportunity to hone their technical abilities and learn valuable teamwork and problem-solving skills. The efforts of these dedicated volunteers highlight the importance of community service and the value of giving back to society.

Their selflessness and dedication serve as a powerful reminder that a group of passionate individuals can make a significant impact on their community. Through their collective effort and talents, AYLUS volunteers have set an inspiring example for all of us, demonstrating the power of volunteer service and the potential we all have to create positive change in the world.

1: Sky Tian Yihan 4 hours (April 2)
2: Michael Young 3 hours (April 1)
3: Yuandoli 8 hours (April 1 + April 2)
4: Chen Kaigu 3 hours (April 1)
5: fengshuo guo 6hours (April 1 + April 2)
Recorded by jianhuijia

Updated: May 10, 2023 — 6:05 pm

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