AYLUS RC Branch attended Empire Strykers Ball Toss event on 03/30/2023

Hope through Housing hosted a successful Empire Strykers Ball Toss event on March 30, 2023, and AYLUS RC Branch was proud to have participated in this meaningful volunteer activity. Eight members of our organization helped with all aspects of the game and were able to raise $997 for Building Bright Futures, a children’s program that promotes academic and personal success. In total, we volunteered three times in March for this event, raising nearly $3,000 for this worthy cause.

The event was an opportunity for Hope through Housing to connect with the community and share their mission. The organization is grateful for the support they received and recognizes the importance of their volunteers. AYLUS RC Branch members are proud to have been a part of this event and to have contributed to the success of the fundraiser.

Building Bright Futures is an important program that provides children with the tools they need to succeed academically and personally. By supporting this program, Hope through Housing is making a difference in the lives of these children and their families.

AYLUS RC Branch is committed to supporting organizations like Hope through Housing and is honored to have been a part of this event. We believe that volunteerism is an important way to give back to our community and make a positive impact. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Hope through Housing and other organizations that share our values.


The names of the volunteers who participated in this event for a service time of 5 hours each are:Zixuan Wang; Ryan Kan; Xinran Zhang; Yuxuan Liu; Hongshen Lu; Jiahe Song; Jeff Si; Yangxuezhe Sun

Updated: April 1, 2023 — 1:45 am

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