Murrieta AYLUS Lends a Hand to The Little Garden of Hope Project (9th) (3/19/23)

Reported by Julie (Hsin Chen) Lu

On March 19th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS member helped out with the Little Garden of Hope Project. The member checked on the growth progress of the sprout and found that the tops of the white radish were peeping out of the ground. They covered the tops with some dirt before working on the other beds. They planted tomatoes, yellow zucchini, and green zucchini in a planter and attached signs for them. After mixing fresh soil into two other beds, the member planted mixed greens in one and okras in the other. Before leaving, the member checked the sprinkler system. Due to the rain in the past week, the staff from Jacob’s House had turned the system off. The member turned it back on and tested each bed to make sure that the sprouts and newly planted seeds would get the correct amount of water. Thankfully they did, since when they checked, they found that a couple beds’ sprinklers had very little water when turned on and that a couple of the sprinklers weren’t in the best condition. The member tried their best to fix it and made a note to call Jacob’s House the following day so that they could have their staff take a look at it just in case. After making sure all the doors to the beds were in place and the tools were placed to the side, the member dusted off their hands and left, looking forward to seeing the sprout’s growth on their next visit.


Hsin-Chen Lu :3.75 hrs


Updated: April 9, 2023 — 11:18 pm

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