Great Neck Branch Volunteers at Jones Beach on 3/26/2023

On Sunday from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Great Neck Branch volunteered at Jones Beach to clean up the garbage and make a “symbolic fence” to protect the shorebirds.

All of our shorebirds, which are typically gray and white in color and blend in well with the sand, are protected by a variety of federal and state laws. We are particularly concerned about the piping plovers, least terns, common terns, and oystercatchers. Some of our beaches may also be home to colonies of black skimmers and even rare roseate terns. These birds are generally attracted to wide-open areas of sand and gravel with little vegetation, and they nest on the ground. Their eggs, young, and adult birds all blend in well with their surroundings.

Today, we installed a “symbolic fence” to protect suitable and historically important nesting and foraging areas. Making the symbolic fence was not easy, and we needed a group of people to help each other, which made the process quicker. We also needed knowledge of how to tie knots, which we practiced beforehand. We also cleaned up the garbage, which was our last chance to remove any litter and trash before nesting begins. Once the fences are in place, only the most qualified plover stewards will be allowed to enter the area.

The weather at the beach was much colder than it is inland, and the wind was very strong, but we all did a great job today.

Members who participated(2.5hrs): Fanxi Xia, I-Han Liao, Joyce Zhang

Updated: March 27, 2023 — 12:55 am

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