Syosset Participates in Invasive Plant Removal at Jones Beach State Park (3/18/2023)

Members of AYLUS Syosset participated in invasive plant/landscape cleanup at the Energy and Nature Center at Jones Beach State Park. Members used garden shears to remove the various unnecessary and harmful plants in front of the Energy and Nature Center, including plants such as goldenrod, beach grass and multiflora rose. Goldenrod is known to be invasive across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Goldenrod can cause disruptions to naturally occurring mutualistic relationships between many insects and native plants on all trophic levels. Beach grass inhabits areas that often do not have any natural predators to maintain healthy amounts of the plant, giving it the ability to uncontrollably take over the area and significantly reduce its biodiversity. Similarly, multiflora rose prevents important native plants from being able to thrive and is also believed to disrupt bird nesting behaviors. Large piles of these plants, especially beach grass, were cut and raked onto sheets of tarp which were dragged into the composting bin.

Members participated include:

Alyssa Huang (3 h), Jessica Albrecht (2.5 h), Nicole Huang (2.5 h).

Updated: March 19, 2023 — 9:26 pm

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