Norwood Branch Volunteers at Cutter Mill Park on 3/5/2023

Today, on March 5, the AYLUS Norwood Branch took a step forward in making our community a better place by organizing a park clean-up event at Cutter Mill Park. We were joined by volunteers who were eager to pitch in and help make a positive impact in our neighborhood.

As members of the AYLUS Norwood Branch, we believe that it is our responsibility to take action and work towards creating a cleaner, healthier environment. We understand that even small actions, like picking up litter in a park, can have a big impact on our community and the world around us.

Throughout our time at the park, we filled bags with trash and debris, taking care to properly dispose of each item. It was a rewarding experience to see the park slowly transform as we worked together to make it a cleaner, safer place for everyone to enjoy.

We hope that our efforts will inspire others to take action and make a difference in their communities. By working together and taking small steps toward creating a better world, we can make a big impact.

We would like to thank all of our volunteers who joined us today and made this event a success. We look forward to continuing our efforts to create a better world and a brighter future for all.


Members who participated: Richard Xu (1.5 hrs), Evan Zuo (1.5 hrs), Tiffany Liu (1.5 hrs)





Thank you to all who participated!



Updated: March 13, 2023 — 10:24 pm

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