Murrieta AYLUS Helps STAT Horse Sanctuary (8th) (2/18/23)

On February 18th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members Cathy Liu, Angel He, Jessica Lu, Adora Xiao, and Hsin-Chen (Julie) Lu lent a hand to the STAT Horse Sanctuary. They started off by cleaning the horses’ stalls. While cleaning the stall that held the mother horse and her foal, the members indulged in the occasional petting of the beautiful baby horse. It was an exciting experience for the members, being able to see the interactions between a foal and its mother up close. They quickly finished cleaning the stalls, making sure all nooks and crannies were cleaned, and moved on to help Ms. Pattie with her garden. The members brought 5 different types of seeds to plant in the garden, eager to begin. They first turned the dirt by shoveling the dirt from the bottom of the bed to the top. Ms. Pattie then taught them how to plant each seed. Ms. Pattie placed two tomato cages down and the members sprinkled some seeds in the middle before covering it with some dirt. For the zucchini seeds, the members set up the gates in a zig-zag pattern and placed either one yellow or green zucchini seed in a small hole they created in the middle of each section and covered it. They then moved on to another side of the bed. For the carrot seeds, they evenly sprinkled the seeds directly on top and then used their hands to lightly mix the dirt. They did the same thing for the onion seeds in the other section. Happy with the hard work they accomplished, the members waved goodbye and moved on to their next activity, looking forward to their next visit to STAT.


Adora Xiao 3.5 hours

Cathy Liu 3 hours

Angel He 3 hours

Jessica Lu 3 hours

Hsin-Chen (Julie) Lu 3 hours

Updated: February 27, 2023 — 9:57 pm

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