Roslyn Helps Out at a School of CCA of Long Island (12th) on January 29, 2023

On Sunday from 1:30-5:00, the AYLUS Roslyn branch assisted teachers at the school of the Chinese Cultural Association of Long Island.

We assisted kids from Pre-K to 2nd grade with Chinese classes. These tasks included printing paper, taking kids out to go to the bathroom, and passing out paper to other kids. We helped make sure the kids were not in anyone’s way and didn’t get lost.

After a short midterm, it was snack break and we led the kids that wanted to go buy a snack at the Snack Stand where they can exchange the coupons they won for hard work in class for snacks. Some of the younger children do not fully comprehend the concept of math and money so we had to explain to them how ‘bartering’ works and help them buy the snacks they wanted. We stayed at the back of the line while we walked in the hallway to make sure everyone was in a line and not running all over the place.

Due to the fact that the lunar new year had just passed, they had a Chinese New Year celebration where all the kids would go downstairs and wish the teachers and parents a wonderful new year. While the teachers explained the importance of the chinese new year, it is our responsibility as TAs to make sure the students were quiet and listening instead of fooling around.

By around five-ish, parents have started to arrive to pick up their kids. We stayed back with the remaining kids and made sure they were picked up by a parent/guardian.

By attending today, we learned how to be a better teacher assistant and was kept on task more often. We were able to bond with the kids easily and was able to help them in any problems they encountered. In addition to that, we also learned a bit of Chinese New Year history myself. We enjoyed today’s service and hope to do this more often in the future of 2023.

Members who participated includes:

Ryan Lin (3.5 hours) and Zihan Wang (3.5 hours).

Reporter: Zihan Wang

Updated: February 1, 2023 — 5:31 pm

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