AYLUS Twin Cities Transcribes Documents for Citizen Archivist (12/19/22 – 12/31/22)

From Monday, December 19 to Sunday, December 31, three Aylus Twin Cities volunteered virtually on the Citizens Archival Website. Each volunteer did varying hours of work and was responsible for transcribing historical documents and tagging them for easy search and organization. They learned about various topics, such as US french fry exports to Saudi Arabia and Latin America and the history of the various pharmaceutical industries in America. This event was a very fulfilling experience because we were able to help others while also allowing more flexibility for the AYLUS members.

Participants: Curtis Ying (1.5 hr), Karn Kaura (1.5 hr), Tony Liu (1 hr), Kai Huang (1 hr), Jeffery Chen (15 hrs), Aaron Zou (2 hrs)

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Tony: (will be added soon)


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Updated: January 10, 2023 — 5:13 am

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