AYLUS Manhasset helps the elderly cleanup (12/18/2022)

From 2:00PM to 4:00 PM Manhasset members met to discuss future plans and to partake in community service. Today’s activity was a land cleanup, at a property used for hosting outdoor activities for seniors in the community. The day started with some cleaning up of the garden, mainly leaves, sticks, and large branches from the surrounding trees. Following that, we worked to empty the multiple compost bins. Working in small teams, we shoveled out the compost from the bottom of the container. This compost was spread throughout the garden, allowing it to act as fertilizer. The compost bin was then refilled with the leaves raked from the initial cleanup. Finally, the branches, sticks, and extra leaves were burned. We feel that this is the best process of disposal, as it prevents the accumulation of garden waste in landfills. In addition, the ashes created will be used next year as fertilizer in the garden.

Below are the participants:

Gavin Cao (2 hours), Nico Tanzi (2 hours), Matthew Yang (2 hours), Andy Shi (2 hours)

Updated: April 8, 2023 — 8:09 pm

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