Edmond Aylus Branch Cleans Local Park (10/15/22)

Arcadia Lake’s shores suffer from severe pollution, so the Edmond Aylus team came together to clean a portion of the shore. Today, on October 15, they cleaned over 100 pounds of trash from Arcadia Lake over the course of 3 hours. The cleanup targeted styrofoam, large plastics, and micro plastics, but the team ended up with a large array of items that ranged from old shoes and glass bottles to worn tires and Legos.


Raymond Jiang, Jenna Jiang, Judy Liu, Joanna Liu, and Jacob Meng, 3 hours each.

This image displays the two tires that Edmond Aylus found and removed. After digging them out from the ground, they removed the access dirt (finding a crawfish in the process) and took a picture.


This image depicts the crawfish that Edmond Aylus removed from the tire so that they could dispose it without harming the wildlife. It was safely released back into the mud surrounding the shore.


This image displays the Edmond Aylus in the process of cleaning the park with each member equipped with a trash bag and gloves as they worked together to remove the surrounding litter.


These images depicts the Edmond Aylus Team with the trash that they collected over the course of three hours. It had been moved to aid in later collection by the park staff as it was collected closer to the shore where it was difficult to reach.



While they only got to a portion of the park, the images clearly display a large decrease in the amount of litter.

(Top Image, Before) (Bottom Image, After)

Overall, Edmond Aylus would like to call this event and success and hopes to host more like it in the future.


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