AYLUS Greater triangle 2022/10/9 cary cleaning Bond Park

On October 9th, 2022, the AYLUS Greater Triangle Chapter organized a community service event to clean up Bond Park in Cary, North Carolina. Volunteers from AYLUS worked together to collect trash and debris from the park, making it a cleaner and safer environment for visitors.

The volunteers worked tirelessly for several hours, picking up garbage, clearing trails, and removing fallen branches. They also helped to beautify the park by planting flowers and cleaning up the park’s playground.


1: sky tianyi Han 2hours
2: Aiden Guo 2hours
3: Chenkai Gu2hours
4:kunming yang
5: yuanduo li 2hours
6. Lanxi peng 2hours

jianhui jia



Updated: May 11, 2023 — 1:52 am

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