Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Hosts a Music Recital and continues the “Music Box Series” at a Local Senior Center (6th) in October 2022!

On October 2nd, 2022, Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) President Ally Negulescu (3 hrs) visited and hosted her third solo recital and continued the “Music Box Series” at her local senior center!

“It’s unique every time, because you can’t corrupt magic.” The music box series at Ally’s local senior center once again continued. Excuse me for being dry, but I’m genuinely lost for words because of how surreal the performance was. You don’t need to perform at an oversized concert hall with all your friends in the world to feel the power. A simple performance to the people who make your music matter is all it takes for the Music Box to turn.

Ally woke up in the morning and forgot she had a recital.

It was kind of sad, but luckily her dad managed to help her find motivation. After a powerful morning coffee run, Ally was all pumped and ready to go. This time, upon entering, people didn’t forget that she was performing. By the time she got to the performing library, it was already packed with a hungry audience!

The third music box was comprised of 11 different pieces, averaging out to about 3 minutes per piece. In total, Music Box Ep.3 was around 30 mins. It was slightly longer this time! After the 3rd episode, Ally was interviewed by the audience about her musical journey, from her first piano teacher, to the competitions she’s won, all the way up to what she’s doing with her life today. A couple solo pieces were run right after the interviews, and the audience attempted to kidnap Ally. They genuinely told her dad that they wanted to kidnap her. He was not happy.

After the closing of the recital, a few more people came up to Ally and asked about her repertoire. While showcasing the other pieces she’s learning, she someway somehow got dragged to perform an encore, which lasted another 15 minutes. This was the longest and most interactive recital Ally had given, which also happened to be her favorite. Before leaving, she also noticed some very peculiar flyers hung all over the facility, and realized that they were little flyers inviting people to her recital! Ally even managed to take one home and hung it up on her wall of accomplishments in her office.

It was yet again a W recital. GG go next, we’ll see you again soon.

Updated: October 7, 2022 — 3:30 am

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