AYLUS Bayside shows Appreciation For Police Officers at Flushing Police Department-109th Precinct (9/11/2022)

On September 11th, members of AYLUS Bayside showed appreciation to the police officers at the Flushing Police Department-109th Precinct with AYLUS branches Syosset, Roselyn and Jericho. Cupcakes, cookies and posters were given to the police officers in thanks of everything they do. We met two officers who spoke to us about their everyday routine and the dangers they face during their shifts. We also heard about their stories and different roles they have in the department.

This event was held to appreciate and to be thankful for all the people who keep us safe and who risk their own life to secure ours. It was a meaningful event that it helped younger generations like us to learn more about the tragedy of 09/11/2001 and that we should cherish everyday and everyone around us.

Members of AYLUS Bayside that participated: Angela(Jiamin) Wang(4 hours), Michael(Jiaqi) Wang(4 hours), Nian Li(4 hours), Zhibo Zhan(2 hours), Jason Wu(2.5 hours) and parents and advisors.


Updated: October 3, 2022 — 7:47 pm

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