Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Hosts a Music Recital and continues the “Music Box Series” at a Local Senior Center (5th) in September 2022!

On September 3rd, 2022, Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) President Ally Negulescu (3 hrs) visited and hosted her second solo recital and continued the “Music Box Series” at her local senior center!

“You turn the knob for music, but it gives you magic in return.” That small sentence alone basically sums up the entire Music Box Series. Except there’s no knob, there’s only me. But hopefully you won’t mind. After all, the grind never stops.

At first, Ally entered the facility to check in. For some reason why, she got perplexed looks from the front desk and found out that people had forgotten to announce that there was a recital taking place! Still, Ally checked in and made her way to the piano, only to find one person in the audience. At first, she was slightly disappointed, but lucky words travel faster than the speed of light. Within 10 mins, more and more people started to flood the area. All of a sudden, Ally found herself in the middle of a semi-crowded area where people scrambled to find a place to sit. Even her dad was squished to the side of the place!

To start off, the 2nd episode of the Music Box was played. This time, it was a collection of 12-13 different pieces, each roughly 2 mins long. In total, Music Box Ep.2 was around 25 mins. Even though it was slightly longer than Ep.1, it was followed by various solo pieces. The seemingly “spontaneous” recital once again turned out to be beyond a success, and Ally was once again left with the reminder of how magical music truly is. Audience members sent her off with yet another heartwarming applause and more motivation to come back next time!

GG go next, Ally peace out.

Updated: September 5, 2022 — 11:31 pm

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