Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Homeless Kits on August 21st and 22nd, 2022 (1st)

After the Bird feeder event, RCA members decided to also help people affected by the heat, in particular homeless people in the area. A list of items was created and sent out to the group asking for donations such as toothpaste, toothbrush, hygiene pads, socks, energy bars, water, sunscreen, lip balm, sanitizing wipes, and masks and more were created. In addition, a flyer of a local missing elderly woman was added. She had been missing for 3 months now and is suspected to possibly be among the homeless. She suffers from dementia. The group also created and added handmade cards with uplifting messages. The kits were donated to two organizations that help with homeless outreach: HELP in Temecula and Streets of Hope in San Diego.

Two of the RCA members, Kayla and Alyssa Paulsen, were then acknowledged by Streets of Hope for their contribution, which was their selected non-profit organization they wanted to support.


Sophie Chung (08/21/22), Kyan Chang (08/21/22), Evan Chang (08/21/22), Jessica Lu, (08/21/22; Murrieta branch), Julie Lu (08/21/22; Murrieta branch), Love Dockery (08/21/22), Nicholas Navarro (08/21/22), Kayla Paulsen (08/22/22), Alyssa Paulsen (08/22/22)

4 hrs each (Sourcing Items ( 1 hr), Assembling Kits (2hr), Creation of Handmade Cards (1hr)).

Kevin Bui (08/21/22) – (1.5 hrs)














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