Murrieta AYLUS Hosts Its First Beach Cleanup and Orientation (8/9/2022)

Reported by Adora Xiao

On August 9, 2022, Murrieta AYLUS members Adora Xiao (3 hrs), Jessica Lu (3.5 hrs), and Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu (3.5 hrs) hosted a beach cleanup in Del Mar and held their orientation.

Members excitedly met at Del Mar, experimenting with new trash pickers before embarking on a journey through the area. They began their work at the Powerhouse Park and surrounding sidewalks, discovering a plethora of discarded items. Members eagerly compared their findings, from discarded socks to drink bottles to a collection of string. The epicenters of the trash were around the picnic tables, and members took extra care to clear the entire park of rubbish.

Members then timidly approached the waves, attempting to prevent getting wet and sand from getting into their shoes. The sand meant that the trash would sink quickly and become buried, so members began a treasure hunt to find the concealed garbage. They found bottle caps, plastic pieces, and many Capri-Sun drink straws, which appeared to be beach-goers’ drink of choice. Then, they circled back to the park, finding discarded cigarettes and paper scraps strewn across the ground in the parking lot.

Feeling parched and hungry, members got boba and lunch, before settling down to conduct their orientation. They began with reviewing the values of the branch, connecting with each other and setting goals for the future. They then made plans for the future, tossing ideas into the ring for future events and planning the next month for when the school year would begin.

Murrieta AYLUS looks forward to working to help their community and meet new people!

Updated: September 26, 2022 — 8:13 pm

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