Edmond AYLUS Members Host Science Workshop For Kids on 7-23

This Saturday, the Edmond AYLUS members held a second session of the science workshop at Chitwood Park. The Edmond members explained about the different forms of water to explain the differences between physical changes and chemical changes. Then, the kids did an experiment with oobleck slime to highlight the differences between physical and chemical changes. Finally, the kids created a volcano using baking soda and vinegar. They were served snacks and drinks after the workshop finished.


Joanna Liu (7 hours 30 min prep, 2 hours at event);

Judy Liu (7 hours prep; 2 hours at event);

Ethan Brazil (2 hours at event);

Emma Brazil (2 hours at event);

Jacob Meng (3 hour at event);

Sophia Long (3 hours prep; 3 hours at event)

Updated: September 27, 2023 — 5:32 am

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