AYLUS Syosset Aids in Securing a Health Harvest at the Long Island Native Plants Initiative, #7 (7/16/22)

On 7/16/22, members of AYLUS Syosset went to the Brentwood LINPI (Long Island Native Plants Initiative) Greenhouse to pot native plants such as milkweed, a variant of sage grass and one type of long grass. The plants were not flawless, with some such as the milkweeds having yellow leaves, dried leaves and wilting behavior because of the lack of nutrients in the old soil. So they were moved to larger pots with newer soil. It was important for us to remember to not rip apart the complex root systems of each sprout.  

Milkweed is important because it is the host plant of the monarch butterfly, specifically the butterfly larvae that depend on them for food. 

Sage grass is important because it is drought resistant and has the ability to develop a sturdy root system that sustains them on hillsides and seasonal creek banks.

Members who participated include:

Angela Wang (4 hours), Michael Wang (4 hours), Nina Li(4 hours), Zoey Zhao (4 hours), Skyler Dong (3 hours), Alyssa Huang (3.5 hours), Margaret Zhang (3.5 hours), Alan Huang(3 hours), Francina, Lisa Min-JIn, Julia Jia and Guangli Yang.

Updated: July 17, 2022 — 2:48 pm

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