Syosset Branch Bethpage State Park Environmental Protection Project, #5 (7/9/22)

On 7/9/2022, members of AYLUS Syosset volunteered at Bethpage State Park along with other volunteers to pot the broomsedge grasses that were sown into plug trays earlier into larger containers. The grasses were removed from the trays and put into 2-gallon containers with dirt in them before being moved to under the sun.

Broomsedge is a type of grass that is native to Long Island and therefore non-invasive. The pots were placed in groups of 25 (5×5) on a large mat.

Members who participated include: Angela Wang(2.5 hours), Michael Wang(2.5 hours), Alyssa Huang (2.5 hours), Margaret Zhang (3.5 hours), Lisa-Min Jin(3 hours), Sofie Liu(2.5 hours), Eddie Qui(2.5 hours) and Ying Ren.


Updated: July 13, 2022 — 7:40 pm

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