Syosset Branch Bethpage State Park Environmental Protection Project, #4 (4/23/22)

On 4/23/22, AYLUS Syosset members volunteered with wildlife authorities at Bethpage State Park to clear the picnic area of mugwort, an invasive species, to allow for more of the area’s resources to be allocated to the native plants that exist there, such as Coneflowers, Sneezeweeds, Figwarts, and more. Through our action, around 1000 square feet of land was covered by the volunteers to free the indigenous plant life of the mugworts.

Mugworts, a type of plant indigenous to Europe and Asia, came to America through trading and is now native to our continent. It is a highly invasive species, grows up to 3-4 feet tall, and proliferates at a rate much faster than ordinary plant species, causing many problems such as competition for food, space, sunlight, etc. for species of plants growing in the same area, usually ending up in the space being dominated by these weeds.

Members who participated include Alan Huang(4 hours), Ryan Leung(4 hours), Feilei Li(4 hours), Johnny Zhang(4 hours), Junhao Chen(4 hours), Mia Li(4 hours), and Advisor Julia Jia.

Updated: April 24, 2022 — 3:12 am

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