Columbus Branch Held Leadership Meeting and Plan for April May Events on 03/27/22

On 03/27/2022, Columbus branch hosted a leadership meeting to discuss event planning for the upcoming months. Firstly, we are maintaining our regular Senior Star and Placemat events. Senior Star will take place on April 3rd this week, and Andrea will send out the placemat sign-up, as well.

For April, we are planning on introducing the water quality-monitoring event, where we gather data about stream health and send it to the City of Dublin. Dustin has been communicating with the City of Dublin, about the event, and the coordinator has agreed to set up an in-person training session once the weather clears up a bit. Additionally, Kevin is looking into possibly restarting the park-cleanup event that we participated in last fall.

We have been in contact with the city about resuming volunteering at the Coffman Giving Garden. For May, Andrea will be coordinating Giving Garden like we did last year. Rachel is going to organize Senior Graduation posters and collect entries for the OCCS talent show. The Dublin community service day will also be happening on May 7th, and Dustin will get the sign-up for that out soon as well.

Evan had a school trip and could not attend the meeting, but he plans to organize a “Soles for Souls” shoes donation drive.

Columbus co-advisor, Dakun, has also been working with the advisor of the Chapel Hill branch to start a workshop series on high school live and extracurricular activities. Branch members, Erica, Dustin, Andrea, Evan, Justin W, and Brenna will be involved in organizing and presenting at the workshops.


Reported by Dustin He

Updated: April 4, 2022 — 4:58 pm

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