Chapel Hill Branch Donates Handmade Crafts to Kits to Heart on March 31, 2022

This month, AYLUS Chapel Hill participated extensively in creating donation packages for Kits to Heart, an organization that provides “care kits” for cancer patients. One member, Joshua Yoon conquered the challenge of knitting hats although his left-handedness proved to cause difficulty. Joanna Yoon carefully crafted beautiful designs into her hats. Kathryne Hong and Ethan Li created and wrote amazing cards with thoughtful messages. Nicholas Wang intricately crafted a unique no-sew fleece blanket. Kevin and Luna Chen created lovely heart pillows with a cute design, as well as stunning handmade journals. This month, AYLUS Chapel Hill really covered the gamut of gifts, and we truly hope that these packages may share our warmth and encouragement with the patients!


The volunteers who participated in this event were:

Kathryne Hong (6 hours), Ethan Li (3 hours), Joshua Yoon (3 hours), Joanna Yoon (3 hours), Nicholas Wang (3 hours), Kevin Chen (5 hours), Luna Chen (6 hours pillows + 6 hours journals)



Reported by Nicholas Wang

Updated: April 3, 2022 — 2:35 am

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