AYLUS Syosset Hosts Trail Clean-Up at Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve (3/27/22)

On 3/27/22, AYLUS Syosset journeyed to Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve in Lloyd Harbor, NY to host a trail clean-up event. AYLUS Syosset members trekked through the 5.2 mile long hiking trail and the park’s coastline area picking up various pollutants. Members drove thirty minutes to reach the reserve and each member tracked more than 10,000 steps during the trail clean-up event! Additionally, the members let a number of preciously captive aquatic animals back into their natural ocean habitat.

Trash pollution is a pervasive issue in much of the world today, and may bring disproportionate harm to the environment if left unchecked, leading to the deaths of various flora and fauna. This event was an attempt to help with excess trash buildup in the preserve due to tourist activity. Keeping the beach and trails clean will translate to conditions which are much more conducive to biodiversity and beauty, as forest and aquatic animals are susceptible to large amounts of plastics present in the environment.

Members who participated include Alan Huang (5 hours), Jasmine Chen (5 hours), Ryan Leung (5 hours), Elvis Li (5 hours), Sean Kane (5 hours), Stephen Chang (5 hours), Jaden Chen (5 hours), and Advisors Julia and Francina.

Updated: March 28, 2022 — 2:55 am

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